Adam Świtała is a composer, musician, teacher, and researcher. Doctoral Candidate at the School of Education, University of Iceland. Member of the Advocacy Standing Committee and Music in Schools and Teacher Education (MISTEC) Commissioner of the International Society for Music Education (ISME). 2018-2020 member of the Editorial Board of the ISME/Routledge book series 'Specialist Themes in Music Education'. 2017-2020 Board Member of the Polish Music Council, actively involved in the development of the European Agenda for Music. 2017-2018 President of the Polish Association for Music Education. His professional record includes cooperation with theatre directors, actors, dance and performance artists, more than 30 theatres, educational and art institutions, in several European countries and the USA, including 'Zachęta' National Gallery of Art (Warsaw), HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), MUCEM (Marseille), and many more. The core of his composer’s work is exploring music as a social practice, a unique way of experiencing time and community, involving human and non-human actors. Co-author of 'The Wall That Unites' – an interactive art installation and performance designed for the main pavilion of the Venice Biennale 2016 during the 'Kid's Carnival' – a special section of the Biennale dedicated to innovative educational projects.
Since 2019 Adam has been involved in the development of family musicking courses for immigrant families of under-preschool age children in Iceland, based on the Tónagull method developed by prof. Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir.
In the past 20 years he has worked as teacher and educator in a wide range of educational settings, from early childhood education to university level, and participated in a large number of educational and community-oriented projects, working with children and adults, professional artists, amateurs, students, teachers and educators in many countries, i.e. Iceland, Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, UK, USA. Trained facilitator of dr Rod Paton’s Lifemusic method (Lifemusic CIC, UK).
Aside from his interests in educational philosophies and practices and music, Adam has also accomplished postgraduate courses: Internationalizing Higher Education (University of Bergen), Cultural Heritage and Policies in a Digital Age (University of Bergen), Systems Thinking and Creative Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving and Project Management (University of Bergen), Non-Western Educational Philosophy and Policy (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), a graduate course Artistic Practice and Fine Art Institutions (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw), and holds an MA degree in Cultural Studies.
As classical, folk and jazz music interpreter, cross-genre improviser and band member, he has given concerts during numerous venues and festivals and won several awards.

Membership and Service (selected):
Together in the UK, London, UK; Advocacy Standing Committee Member, ISME International Society for Music Education, Malvern, AU; National music teachers competition jury member, National Fryderyk Chopin Institute: Warsaw, PL; Member of the Editorial Board "Specialist Themes in Music Education", ISME/Routledge; Member of the Board, Polish Music Council, Warsaw, PL; President, Polish Association for Music Education: Warsaw, PL; Member of the Board, Generator Foundation: Warsaw, PL; Stiftung Genschagen, DE; Fundacja "Muzyka jest dla wszystkich", Warsaw, PL; BNP Paribas Foundation, Warsaw, PL; Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń, Warsaw, PL; JM Poland, Warsaw, PL

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